Pollinators DP01.JPG (38153598995).jpg

Innen: Triple Performance

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Leírás The polinator strip of polinator-friendly flowers in between two fields, located on Vilicus Farms. Hill County, MT, July 2012
Forrás Pollinators_DP01.JPG


This image was originally posted to Flickr by NRCS Montana at https://flickr.com/photos/160831427@N06/38153598995 (archive). It was reviewed on 2018. január 27. by FlickreviewR 2 and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the Public Domain Mark.

2018. január 27.

Public domain This image is a work of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, part of the United States Department of Agriculture, taken or made as part of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain in the United States.


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6 813 542 byte

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3 872 képpont

25. július 2012

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28 milliméter


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aktuális2018. január 27., 16:28Bélyegkép a 2018. január 27., 16:28-kori változatról3 872 × 2 592 (6,5 MB)wikimediacommons>Artix Kreiger 2Transferred from Flickr via Flickr2Commons

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